The Neuro Resonance Blueprint™
Creating Ripples of Change With Diverse Minds

How to Elevate Client Success for Greater Independence & Wellbeing.

"The best and beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart"

Helen Keller

My second born daughter Amy, has been one of my greatest teachers, diagnosed with a very rare condition called DDX3X. A common trait among the children born with this condition is their infectious laughter. Amy’s spark, enthusiasm to experience and connect with others and her wicked sense of humour has assisted me to lighten up in many ways.

In my search to understand and support Amy to be able to walk independently and to communicate with her, I trained and learnt from a lot of awesome people. In connecting to my daughter’s creative essence I have to come to accept my own.

I love sharing with practitioners who work with neuro diverse children. I offer my insights from both a practitioner and parent perspective, and share the value I have received through my personal and clinical experience.

Meet Leonie Michaels

Leonie is a Neuro-Diversity and Energy Medicine Specialist who has worked with over 1,000 clients and over 100 Health Practitioners over the past 25 years. Experienced in creating spaces where practitioners and clients feel empowered, connected and listen to the voice within.

An ongoing student of life, embracing her quirky and intuitive nature to work with people of all ages and abilities. Building on life experience, inner work, and a culmination of specialist teachings from around the world.

Leonie has great respect for all her teachers and the children that have crossed her path. Their insights, presence and understanding has led Leonie to a place where she now guides and supports others to enhance the development of their curiosity, growth and transformation.

Tailored Support for Practitioners & Leaders

Here’s what you can expect working with me.…

Improved Communication

The program offers tools to refine both verbal and non-verbal communication, ensuring practitioners can connect more effectively with their clients.

Refining energetic awareness

Enhancing intuitive capacity, proficiency in grounding, balancing, developing energetic boundaries and holding space.

Personal Empowerment

Drawing on ancient Egyptian wisdom and middle eastern dance movements to enhance leadership and access expanded states of consciousness.

Learning through play

The program offers fresh perspectives on movement, sensory integration and child developmental stages that will assist practitioners to guide clients towards accessing greater freedom and expression.

Community Connection

Practitioners will become a part of a network of professionals, fostering shared learning, and ongoing support.

Neuro-Resonance™ Discovery Call with Leonie

Here's what we'll discuss on the call:

This call is for you if you’re:

What Our Clients Have To Say...

I've collaborated with over 1,000 clients

The 9 Steps to Enhancing Neuro-Diversity


Exploring the transformative effects of sound, movement and touch, both in connection and disconnection, without the concern of lacking a natural ear for sound or to how one sounds, further developing inquiry, curiosity and adaptability.


Releasing resistance to change through understanding the amygdala’s role in processing emotions and triggering responses, without feeling unprepared to handle change and confronting deep seated emotions. Provided with emotional regulation techniques and enhanced self awareness.


Engaging in whole body listening and the rhythmic qualities of the heart as an organ of perception, without doubt of a lack of attunement, so to create a safe space for emotional exploration and expression and connecting to your heart’s wisdom.


Understanding the influence of cellular memory programs and the heart’s resonance flowing between people and things and its influence on behaviour, without coming from a place of being stuck, and that we can learn to refocus on sensations from the heart for insights and emotional balance.


Understanding the energetic nature of human beings, through rediscovering the child development stages and its impact on movement, behaviour and wellbeing. Without feeling uncertain about understanding energy dynamics and how to apply them in a therapeutic context. Learning to playfully integrate energetic and brain integration practices into working with neuro-diverse children.


Neuroplasticity has the power to reshape movement and behavioural patterns that can bring about ease and flow or can even cause more harm. Developing this awareness of our habitual and non habitual patterns, without apprehension or a lack of understanding we can harness the brain’s ability to be adaptable learners to promote positive neural network changes, and foster a conducive environment for change.


Sensory movement integration and cellular healing to access our own body’s healing wisdom, without feeling stuck in old patterns and we can consolidate new information and options in movement and language in a way that can bring out our creativity and fun and so that frequency will also be felt by those around you.


Undoing conditioning, reshaping perceptions and systems of change, without the resistance to the unfamiliar. Be acquainted with the benefits of shaking and self de-armouring, developing further confidence in accessing your innate wisdom through touch, movement and free expression. You will have the tools to hold space for yourself.


Self regulation and sensory awareness without the concern that one might not be naturally intune with their body or understand sensory signals. Refining the perception of the body for physical and cognitive development to cultivating presence an embodied approach to working with clients.


Restoring connection to our vibratory nature within and around us, without feeling more disconnected from our environment and bridging the gap between nature and human beings for harmonious growth.


Be your own guide through transformative activations, accessing ancient wisdom and integrating Awakened Belly dance movements, without a sense of uncertainty in one’s own ability we will discover resonance and frequency match for transformative connections.


Expand and share your wisdom with the community, drawing on collected knowledge and experiences to put wisdom into practice without feeling that you are not enough. Effectively being able to share transformative practices with others for better outcomes and Awakening the dreamer within and to dance your own dance.

Ready to create ripples and elevate client success?

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